Tennis: Train For Anaerobic Endurance Part 1

by John Debnam Tennis Practices

Tennis: Train For Anaerobic Endurance Part 1

Many tennis players think that distance running develops the endurance needed to play a long match, and running long distances has been an acceptable training method for some time.

But it may be a surprise to many that this is not a good idea.

In distance running the aerobic (oxygen) system is used.This is a different energy system than in the one primarily used in tennis.A top level tennis player must have the capability to replenish his anaerobic (without oxygen) system time after time following several high-intensity work periods.This is not the same as having the capacity to withstand a continuous,low -intensity work load for a long period of time, which is what you get when you run a long distance.A tennis player could run 5 or 6 miles a day and still be out of shape to play a tennis match.

So interval training- traning at high intensity for short periods and then a rest period which allows for lactic acid levels to subside.

And with all this in mind, myself and another student of mine here in Los Gigantes, are, starting this week going to train for a few weeks using this method.

This is what we will be doing:

  • 4 x laps of the court – one runs, the other times (the times are only used against one’s self, not against the other person)
  • 3 x laps of the court
  • 2 x laps of the court
  • 1 x lap

The time out by each player is their recovery time – its best to always start with the longest distance first.

After this we will be doing a few of the Navratilova court drills…will explain these next time, that is of course if I am still alive as I have not trained physically for many years.


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